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 Nazrug Thundercaller - Shaman

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Blade Officer

Posts : 120
Join date : 2009-03-12
Age : 40
Location : London, UK

Nazrug Thundercaller - Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Nazrug Thundercaller - Shaman   Nazrug Thundercaller - Shaman EmptySat Apr 18, 2009 12:48 pm

Nazrug Thundercaller - Alpha of the Storm
Spiritual Alpha of the Warsong Blades

Orc Shaman

Physical description:

An almost static aura surrounds Nazrug, small sparks of electricity glint from his body and seem to fissure within his eyes. He is easily identified as a traditional shaman of the “Old Horde” in both his use of the elements and his Spartan attitude. His eyes retain their tainted red colour, revealing his past as one of the many corrupted Warsong during the third war.

Nazrug has kept no record of his age, it is clear that the days of his youth have long since been left behind. He has memories of living in the “Land of Winds” way before the invasion into Azeroth and at an estimate fifty or sixty years of age would be a realistic figure. As with all Orcs, Nazrug’s tough leathery skin is marked with many scars, something that he wears with pride.

In general, Nazrug can be described as more of a feral looking savage than the more modern versions of the Orcs that exist today. He prefers to cover himself with animal furs and wolf pelts than the many different armoured items that are made available to the soldiers of the Horde.

Personality and beliefs:

Although Nazrug’s primary element is the earth, there are times when his spirit seems to be completely engulfed in flame, strengthening his ties with the element of fire. This is also reflected in his personality - Nazrug has a solid personality, confident in his actions and firm in his beliefs. There is a thin line between over confidence and blatant arrogance, and he has both feet firmly on that line.

Nazrug is a strong believer in the Spartan old ways of the Orcs, honour firstly to one’s self, secondly honour to one’s clan. To cower, flinch, flee or even breathe a sigh in the direction of disloyalty to the clan will spark up anger.

Despite his rough mannerisms and boiling blood, Nazrug is an easy Orc to get along with. Approach him as a brother of the Horde with a respectful attitude toward the Orcish ways and he will salute you. When in friendly company he is relaxed and his true spiritualist nature shines. Nazrug may be a blood crazed Orc, but he is still a mystic and is very capable of calm.

Unfortunately on the flip side of the coin, Sparks with Nazrug turn to flame, flames to infernos – As with most Orcs, calming him down with words is futile, actions are the only hope of speaking louder.

He is a proud Warsong and so fits the cliché perfect warrior, including cruel and merciless traits of his clan. Nazrug’s opinion on Thrall is simple, Thrall is the Warchief, he will fight and die as a faithful servant of Warchief Thrall until his bones crack, his energy is spent and his last breath has been taken, he will live and die for the Horde. That being said, Nazrug does not believe that Thrall is fit for the role that he has inherited, an Orc raised by humans should not be head of the mighty Horde. In his mind, the son of Hellscream, Garrosh is a prime example of the type of leader the Horde needs.

Nazrug is firmly against the idea of the alliance between the Sin’dorei and the Forsaken. He sees these races as weak, clinging to the Horde purely for protection and the blatantly apparent fact that no one else will have them, taking advantage of Thrall’s good nature and then forcing their culture and ways upon the Orcs. He sees them as not being part of the Horde, more as vassals overseen by the Horde.

But above all, Nazrug’s hate for the fel energy and the Warlocks that claim to be loyal to the horde out shines the rest. Corrupted right after birth, enslaved by demons twice and still the battle with the legions continues. Nazrug will throw everything he has away, including his life, to rid the Horde of this infliction.

Nazrug has great respect for Bloodhoof’s people and an even greater respect for the savage Darkspears. Past actions have proved their loyalty as far as he is concerned.


Nazrug has a long and complex history that he slowly reveals by stories of his past. He was still a pup when his clan was forced to war with the Dreanai and had barely reached his teenage years. He was involved as one of the thousands of Orcs to pour out of the Dark portal and tear across the lands of Azeroth while under the influence of the legion.

As history dictates, once the Fel Horde was defeated and the clans started to bicker between each other the Warsong clan retreated into the wilderness. Nazrug spend many years in solitary and in the company of the few Orcish elders that still retained the ancestral knowledge of the old shamanic ways. Nazrug was naturally talented and obviously favoured by the elemental spirits as he quickly picked up the skills required.

By the time the Frostwolf and Warsong clans reunited under the Warchief, Nazrug was a powerful shaman of the Horde. It was at the battle of Hammerfall that Nazrug met and fought beside many of the Warsong Blade officers before the Blades, as it is known now, even existed. Impressing them with his talents of War and command resulted in Nazrug being consulted many years later to become an officer in the Warsong Blades.

He followed the clan over the great sea to the lands of Kalimdor and served Grommash well as an inspirational shamanic figure during the conflict with the Kal’dorei sentinels. Once the clan’s shaman convinced the warriors that the “evil spirits” were in fact just another type of elf the slaughter began. The Demi-god appeared, the Warsong were corrupted once more and tore him down. It was at this point that Nazrug felt power like he never had before, had it not been for Grommash’s sacrifice Nazrug would remain enslaved to the corruption.
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